Our Products
Surface Measurement Systems manufacture the world’s most advanced gravimetric vapor sorption analyzers, offering a diverse range of instruments employing the DVS and iGC principles.
View the full range below, and discover the variety of industrial applications, technical capabilities, and modular accessories available. Whatever experiments you are running, we’ll have the instrument that’s a perfect fit.

Our instruments

MPA Horizon
The MPA Horizon is a self-contained membrane permeation analyzer designed for investigating the competitive permeation of gases and vapors through membranes and barrier films.

iGC-SEA Nova
The world’s only high temperature iGC instrument, the iGC-SEA NOVA opens exciting possibilities in new application spaces.

BTA Frontier
Single & multi-component sorption analysis for direct insights into breakthrough and equilibration times.

DVS Carbon
The DVS Carbon is the world’s first purpose-built gravimetric sorption analzer for carbon capture, storage, & utilization (CCUS) applications.

DVS Intrinsic PLUS
An Entry-level instrument for complex water sorption analysis, the DVS Intrinsic PLUS is the world’s most compact automated Dynamic Vapor Sorption instrument.

DVS Adventure
The DVS Adventure is the world’s most advanced and versatile sorption analyzer specifically designed for basic and complex moisture/water Vapor applications.

DVS Resolution
Conduct detailed sorption analysis using water and organic vapor to understand a range of complex behaviors with the world’s best-selling DVS instrument.

The world’s first purpose-built and most advanced iGC instrument, the iGC-SEA has been the industry standard for over 20 years.

DVS Discovery
Conduct simultaneous vapor or organic gas sorption analysis with the world’s most advanced dual-balance gravimetric vapor sorption instrument.

DVS Endeavour
Conduct 5x simultaneous analysis with the DVS Endeavour, combining the highest throughput with a diverse range of accessories and capabilities.

DVS Vacuum
Measure kinetics and physiosorption isotherms of Zeolites, MOFs, COFs, Carbons, and Composites with the world’s only Vacuum Dynamic Vapor Sorption instrument.

Vapor Pressure Analyzer
Using the Knudsen Effusion Method, the Vapor Pressure Analyzer is a unique tool for measuring the vapor pressure of solids, liquids, and oils.

Request a quote for an SMS instrument
If you are interested in acquiring one of our instruments for your laboratory, place a request for a quote below. One of our dedicated Sales team will be in touch promptly to discuss your needs and provide you with more information.