Early to Mid-Career Researchers
The IACC (International Association for Carbon Capture) and SMS (Surface Measurement Systems) are proud to announce the IACC-SMS Awards for early to mid-career researchers. The award is established to recognise the achievements of researchers in the area of carbon capture and their contributions to carbon neutralisation. An award will be given for each career stage. The winners will be invited to give keynote presentations at one of the IACC conferences in 2024.

International Association for Carbon Capture (IACC)
The International Association for Carbon Capture (IACC) aims to promote carbon capture research and technology development and deployment, thus contributing to reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate changes for a better living environment. To achieve this aim, IACC will organise carbon capture conferences, workshops and seminars; promote collaborations between academics, industries and other carbon capture organisations; support early career researchers to carry out cutting-edge research; increase public awareness of the needs of carbon capture and encourage the young generation to consider low-carbon-emissions technologies and behaviour; and contribute to international communication for carbon capture development. IACC is a registered charity in Northern Ireland.

Surface Measurement Systems
Surface Measurement Systems (SMS) is the world leader in sorption science, offering world-class technical and scientific support, and developing and engineering innovative instrumentation for the advanced physiochemical characterisation of complex solids. SMS is now the industry standard for sorption research, working with leading global companies in carbon capture, pharmaceuticals, food, fine chemicals, aerospace, energy, catalysts, filtration, fibers, packaging, and more, which is the first choice in sorption for the world’s leading laboratories.

Find out more about IACC
Sign up now to join the IACC (International Association of Carbon Capture), a global community of researchers passionate about developing innovative solutions to the world’s carbon crisis.